Comic Book Review - 2000 AD Prog 2244

Rob takes a look at this week's 2000 AD - Prog 2244...

Wednesday has reared its head yet again, and just like the ticking of the clock - Tharg is back! 

This week is going to be slightly different in that I won't be giving Prog 2244 an overall rating at the end. I've been toying with the fairness of giving a serialised anthology a rating as each episode has its ups and downs. Anyway, with that done, let's get on with the show...

Judge Dredd: Now That's What I Call Justice - Part 5

As Dredd's investigation into the Justice Watch heads to its conclusion the Copycat is still on the loose. However, in seeking confession for his Sins, the Judge killer has let his brother into his criminal acts. And as such, it isn't long before ol' Joe Dredd has the Copycat in his sights - or is it in fact Dredd who's the one in the sights? 

Meanwhile, the top-10 countdown features Dredd yet again with a follow up from old Chief Justice - Hilder McGruder. Now that's something I would like to of seen. 

Anyway, Wagner and Higgins continue to bring the goods and much like Dredd's own investigation Now That's What I Call Justice heads to its conclusion. 

Skip Tracer: Eden - Part 8

Nolan Blake has been captured by the Consociation and is currently hooked up to a machine that's doing something to him. The Consociation also have Blake's daughter Eden, and to make matters worse - Nimrod is also here.
While the Consociation has "measures in place" to stop Nimrod's mind control, it's not going to be long before the sinister being probably takes over. 

Anyway, James Peaty ups the ante yet again this week as Blake lies in quite a perilous predicament. However, we all know this Skip Tracer is going to come out of it relatively unscathed. Shame the same can't be said to everyone else...

Dexter: Bulletopia: Chapter 6: Somewhere Beyond The Sea - Part 6

So Dexter is on the run through the sewers of Downlode. Hot on his tail is the nano resurrected Sinister, who's now at the mercy of the dominant rogue A.I. 

Desperate to reach Mangapore - the last bastion of hope in stopping the A.I., Dexter had been to hell and back. Now on the final leg of the journey, the former partners are heading to their climactic confrontation. 

Will Dan Abnett kill off either Sinister or Dexter? Probably not, but either way, Bulletopia isn't going to be the same going forward. This one has been on the slow burn for a while now but things are now coming to a boil.

Tharg's Terror Tales: The Way Of The World - Part 1

If you thought the current global pandemic was bad. How about swapping it for a plague of Lycanthropy! 
After the latest lockdown, a bunch of office workers attempt to head back to the workplace. Yet the upper management is hungry and someone's on the menu. 

A great little Terror Tale that plays upon current events - with a twist. John Tomlinson brings a Warewolf tale with a twist, and the black & white art by Smudge is a great addition. 

Aquila: The Rivers of Hades - Book One - Part 7

Aquila wants out of his immortality pact and has travelled into Hades. His target is the former Emperor Nero, who knows the way to Ammit the Devourer. Simple? 

Well's been a tough 7-parts for the immortal gladiator. He's had to deal with never-ending battles, the physical River of Hades, and the matter of slaying a Titan. 

It's all in a day work as Gordon Rennie packs plenty into each episode, as Aquila hack-n-slashes his way towards his hopeful mortality.

Rob Lake - For more comic book and video game chat why not follow Geek Culture Reviews on Twitter and Facebook @GeekCultureRev


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