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Comic Book Preview - MAMO #1

Previewing MAMO #1...

"Orla O'Reilly has never been the type of witch to put down roots. The youngest in a long line of hedge witches, Orla finds herself back in the town where she grew up after her grandmother, Mamo’s, death. But without Mamo around to deal with the town’s magic, it’s quickly fallen into chaos and now there’s a poltergeist in local Jo Manalo’s attic!

When Jo goes to Orla for help, the young hedge witch is reluctantly pulled into the town’s complicated relationship with the Fae, and Jo gets a crash course on the surprising world of magic that lies right beneath the surface of her normal, boring hometown. They’ll have to work together to find the source of all their otherworldly problems but are the two up to the task?"

Sas Milledge is an artist based in Melbourne, Australia. She has done design, comic, and illustration work for DC Comics, BOOM! Studios, BlinkInk, and Passion Pictures amongst others.

"I am so excited to finally share MAMO with the world! This book has been circling around my head for the better part of a decade, and I'm so glad it has finally landed here in its final form; a story about family and friendship filled with witches, birds, faeries, and trolls!" said Milledge.

MAMO #1 is heading to stores in July 2021. Can't wait? Check out the official preview pages below...


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