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Comic Book Review - 2000 AD Prog #2291

Rob reviews 2000 AD Prog #2291...

With the heat wave now over, and the UK government still untangling the mess its in, Tharg is back to take us on another trip into the Thrillverse.

Joining last week's fab four is the welcome return of Gordon Rennie and Simon Colby with another outing for Jaegir. And speaking of Jaegir - doesn't that Cliff Robertson cover look amazing! 

Judge Dredd: Special Relationship - Part 3

Brit-Cit have taken over the Atlantis rebuild, and Ol' Dredd isn't having any of it. As political tensions between Mega-City One and Brit-Cit rise, Dredd is deep under the Black Atlantic with a small team of Judges. 
With the story being told out of sequence, it's playing out like HBO's current series of Westworld. So many questions! 

Rob Williams delivers another fine outing as we get more scheming, and nefarious plots. Who is Modric? And is he part of "Circus"? Or could he be in bed with the Sov's? Well I guess we'll just sit back and enjoy, as Willams and Simon Colby continue to delight. 

Brink: Mercury Retrograde - Part 20

Twenty episodes in, and this current series of Brink is still building towards its grand spectical. After seeing how the other side operates last week, this time we're back following Mas as he comes very close to those answers he seeks. 

Much like Skip Tracer, Brink has its naysayers. Personally the slow burn really works in making Brink such a gripping thriller. While the events of 'Mercury Retrograde' take place during Brink volume 1. Dan Abnett has done a fantastic job in building this intricate web of deceit, backstabbing, and intrigue. Are we close to the end? Probably not! 

Skip Tracer: Valhalla - Part 5

With the Cube on the edge of a black hole, and broadcasting a strange message, Nolan Blake and friends are sent in to investigate the anomaly - and rescue an A.I. in the process. 

However, their destination is a good 600 floors above them, and as such Blake has his own version of Dredd or The Raid to contend with. While I'm fully expecting Nimrod to be somehow tired into events, I'm hoping James Peaty sends Blake out with a bang. 

Dexter: Bulletopia Chapter Ten: Malice In Plunderland - Part 3 

It's a classic case of mistaken identity as Dexter and Carrie continue to play the rival gangs against each other. It's very different to what we've seen before, and too be honest - it's a nice break from murderous robots. 

After last week's action centric episode, Abnett dials back this time for a more plot-heavy outing. It's a big game of chess that Abnett is playing, and while the current moves in Plunderland are playing out, there's the pieces of the A.I. moving in the background. Of course it's only a matter of time before both sides meet. And we already know its going to be one bloody mess. 

And whilst you're here...check out Yojimbo to see how this COULD end. 

Jaegir: Ferox - Part 1

We're back on Nu-Earth as Gordon Rennie and Simon Colby take us back into their taught military thriller. On the trail of her father's old comrade Kurga, Atalia Jaegir and her crew are heading to one of the planets most hostile places - The Miasma. 

Surrounded by deadly toxin that even threatens to breach the teams Nort designed hazard suits, who would want to call this place home?  Enter the Swamp Devils. 

Rennie kicks off this new chapter in the Rogue Trooper-verse with a bang. Not only does his sparse script let Colby's linework do the talking - it also manages to keep the adrenaline pumping. Colby on the other hand pulls out all the stops to create a dark, murky swamp which Len O’Grady then paints with a psychedelic aura. 

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Rob Lake - For more comic book and video game chat why not follow Geek Culture Reviews on Twitter and Facebook @GeekCultureRev


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