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Comic Book Review - 2000 AD Prog 2254

Rob reviews 2000 AD Prog 2254...

As we steamroll ever forward into the break for the next Regened Prog, everything current is starting to either wind down or move towards its mid-season cliffhanger. 

It's again another outing for the usual suspects this week. Dredd and Maitland deal with the assassins in 'The Hard Way, panic in the Vatican with The Diaboliks, my craft madness in Pandora Perfect, it's battle of the planets in Scarlet Traces, and finally, Cyd does more human thing in The Out

Judge Dredd: The Hard Way - Part 5

The Hard Way has been an incredibly fun read. There's been plenty of classic Dredd moments, a crazy bunch of villains, and small callbacks to past stories. This week is no different.

With MegaCity-1 and Brit-Cit sending reinforcements to Atlantis, the Red Queen's band of assassins don't have long to finish Maitland off. This week this comes in the form of the hacked Mechanismo units and an assassin that makes the rest look like amateurs. 

Anyway, Lynch's artwork shines immensely within this part. Dredd shouting "I AM THE LAW!" is one hell of a statement, with the Lawman looking just as authoritative all thanks to Jake Lynch's line work. Both Williams and Wyatt are also on form as the duo bring a classic story of Dredd being Dredd. There's plenty here to like, and with callbacks to Wyatt's past with the Red Queen, I'm hoping we see more.

The Diaboliks: Arrivederci Roma - Part 5

In attempting to rescue the other children who hold the Codices, Jennifer has taken the Pope hostage. It's certainly a desperate act and is one that's no doubt going to catch the attention of both Heaven and Hell. 

So what next? Well, it's going to cause trouble for Jenny and Soloman, but how much? Well, we'll have to wait and see. 

Either way, Gordon Rennie and Antonio Fuso's action-packed romp is certainly entertaining! 

Pandora Perfect: Mystery Moon - Part 5

Pandora has broken out of prison and is on the hunt for a fellow partner in crime - Gort. Trouble is that Bartlby Sprugg has reverse-engineered Gort, and now has the droid working in his Sausage Mines. But that's not going to stop Pandora from saving them...

It's all a bit silly, but what did you expect? While Pandora Perfect isn't going to be to everyone's tastes, it's a fun and silly strip that's a welcome distraction to the more outlandish and serious offerings that the Prog offers. Regardless of what side of the Pandora Perfect fence you sit on - we can all agree that Brett Parson is working wonders with the artwork. 

Scarlet Traces: Storm Front - Part 5

It's the "War of the Worlds" as Ahron, Ikarys, and their Jovian allies continue their attack on the Martian fleet. However, things don't go according to plan and as such Ahron and Ikarys find themselves on board the Martian flagship. 

If anything Scarlet Traces is now more 'Star Wars' than 'War of the Worlds' but that's not a bad thing. There's plenty of sci-fi goodness to be found here as Ian Edington and D'Israeli continue to deliver a well written - and illustrated strip. 

The Out: Book 2 - Part 5

Cyd's journey into The Out continues this week as she finds herself in very hot water. After getting her bag snatched, Cyd ventures outside the safe zone and stumbles into the weird and wonderful. And that's really what The Out is about. 

The back and forth between Cyd and her captors makes for some fun reading. There's plenty of that "annoying Human" element as Cyd's just being...well Cyd. Dan Abnett manages to make the mundane interesting as The Out is full of moments like this. It's just a tale of a lone Human, her bag, and a whole heap of unknown - and it all makes for an incredible adventure. 

And yes, Mark Harrison's art is truly incredible!

Rob Lake - For more comic book and video game chat why not follow Geek Culture Reviews on Twitter and Facebook @GeekCultureRev


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