Let’s be serious for a moment

Time to be candid with you all…

Hey all, well as we venture into 2025 I’ve been thinking what the next year will be for Geek Culture Reviews. And it’s time for me to be honest. 

This last year has been quite a tough one for both the blog and me. My day job has gotten increasingly more demanding, and the difficulties at home with my daughter’s autism have jumped up a gear. This and my own general burnout have meant that my work here for Geek Culture Reviews and my residency at Rapid Reviews UK have taken a hit. 

Over the last few weeks I’ve really debated with myself wether it’s still worth me writing comic and video game reviews anymore and to simply call it a day and take that long walk into the Cursed Earth. The reasoning of this is mostly due to my monthly views taking a drastic hit. Going from 6-8k views a week to 1-2 (and I don’t mean thousands. Literally one or two people!) is really disheartening and has been my main motivation for “jacking it in”. I really started to think if it was worth it and why play a video game for x hours to write a review when no one aside from a Google bot would read it. Then I remembered why I started GCR in the first place, which was to simply write about what comics I’d read that week and my thoughts about them. Back then I didn’t expect anyone to read my ramblings, so why should I care now? It shouldn’t be the thing that motivates me. 

That brings me to now. Over the festive holiday I’ve had quite a think on where I’d like GCR to go in 2025 and there’s some good news and bad. First off I’d like to say that I’ll still be here reviewing content however it will now be drastically scaled back. Not only will this starve off any burnout, it’ll make things far more manageable. I will be stopping video game content and simply going back to writing about the comics that I read and enjoy. This does mean that from the next jumping on issue I’ll be bringing back the weekly 2000 AD reviews and will attempt to include the Megazine too. Coverage of BOOM! Studios Power Rangers will continue, as will the sporadic coverage from Marvel. 

Away from this and I’ll still champion the indie scene and please if you are reading this - send that email asking if I’d like to check out your work. The answer will always be yes! 

If I’ve organised a Q&A with you, or you’ve sent me your work to review please do get in touch and give me a nudge. I’m just sorry that I have not gotten back to you sooner. 

Thank you for reading this essay, and thank you for taking your time to check out my reviews. Even if 1 person reads my review then that’s good enough for me. Now to hit that reset button and pop a new credit in the old machine. 

Yea, I an aware that it’s a video game  reference!



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