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Comic Book Review - Get Fury #2

Frank Castle heads behind enemy lines as Nick Fury faces a desperate challenge… 

Garth Ennis has returned to Marvel’s Max Comic line with an extremely gritty tale featuring two of the comic's most infamous characters. Set during the Vietnam War, Ennis pits Nick Fury against the future Punisher, Frank Castle. While this more adult take on the Marvel universe fills its narrative with a very mature story - and even more colourful language - is it any good? 

Well, the answer is, yes it is… 

Get Fury #1 spent a great deal of its page count dealing with what Castle and Fury are up to in Vietnam. On one side we see Nick Fury during his brutal capture by the Viet Cong, on the other Frank Castle gets roped into a deniable op by the CIA. For this second issue, it’s the former that Ennis spends time with as we learn more of the CIA’s involvement and the general who’s sent Castle far behind enemy lines. There are a lot of revelations here that not only heighten the tension to the inevitable Frank Castle Vs. Nick Fury conflict, also shows just how far the US Government will go to “tie up loose ends”. 

The whole issue is quite a slow burner. Ennis slows everything down to somewhat of a single conversation between the general and the CIA agent. It’s quite a slog to get through as the duo goes to great lengths in revealing just what’s going to bring Castle and Fury together. To keep things from slowing down too much Ennis then switches perspective to show Frank’s side of the operation. 

It’s here when things get interesting as we dive into the methodical way that Frank Castle works. Deep behind enemy lines Castle is on his own with only his training and a select armoury to work with. It’s not all action here either as we’re shown how resourceful Castle is away from simply pulling the trigger. This slow and methodical approach to the narrative is then kicked firmly up a gear when we catch up with Nick Fury. I won’t go into spoilers but Jacen Burrows and Nolan Woodard deliver some truly stomach-churning artwork. 

That being said, the overall art of Get Fury #2 is of a similar quality. The opening scene of the present-day Letrong Giatrap segues perfectly into a full-page shot of a lonely F-4 Phantom II over enemy territory. Likewise, that scene with Nicky Fury also leaves little to the imagination as to the horrors that many experienced in Vietnam. Burrows and Woodard also work well in delivering the dialogue-heavy office sections. With plenty of change in perspective, it keeps the audience engaged with what’s going on while dragging us into the murky mess that’s about to spill over. 

From this issue, it’s becoming more prevalent that Get Fury is a series that needs to be binged. While Ennis is delivering quite a mature take on both characters, it’s these dialogue-heavy junctures that slow everything down. That being said, Get Fury is still an excellent read. Garth Ennis knows these characters well and is the perfect choice to take them through the jaws of hell. 

Rating: 8/10 

Rob Lake - For more comic book and video game chat why not follow us on X/Facebook @GeekCultureRev, TikTok/YouTube @Geekculturereviews, and BlueSky


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