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2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine come together for “Nordland Rising”

The Nort Army cross reality and invade the 2000 AD Miltiverse…

The folks over at 2000 AD have given us a sneak peek preview of what’s coming this summer. And it’s going to be a night blockbuster. 

Check out the press release below and let us know on our social media channels on what you think.

This September, the Nort Army are setting out to conquer the 2000 AD Multiverse - and it's going to take some unlikely allies to stop them!

The massive crossover event story Nordland Rising will see Rogue Trooper's oldest enemies invade multiple different storylines from across 2000 AD's history, as they take on Judge Dredd, Bad Company, Fiends of the Eastern Front, The VCs and more. Spread across 2000 AD Prog 2400 and Judge Dredd Megazine 472, this is an all-out action assault - and The Norts aren't taking any prisoners!

Featuring stories from Ken Niemand, John McCrea, Peter Milligan, Ian Edginton, Nick Percival, Dan Abnett, Gordon Rennie, Simon Coleby, and more, Nordland Rising will see the return of familiar faces including Jaegir and Major Eazy as the War begins in 2000 AD and then crosses over for the epic climax in Judge Dredd Megazine. With both issues out on the 18th September, readers will be able to read the whole saga in one go - a veritable overdose of Thrill-power!

This is a great way to jump onboard 2000 AD for the first time and get a blast of action from some of The Galaxy's Greatest writers and artists. Easily accessible for new readers - but packed with surprises for long-term fans - the crossover will then be followed by 2000 AD Prog 2401: a jump-on issue featuring the return of Garth Ennis and Patrick Goddard on Rogue Trooper; the follow up to Judge Dredd: A Better World from Rob Williams, Arthur Wyatt and Jake Lynch, and the return of fan-favourite series The Out for an all-new run!

 It's never been a better time to become a regular reader of 2000 AD - or as we call it, a "Squaxx dek Thargo"! That is... assuming we escape The Norts in one piece...

Nordland Rising will begin in 2000 AD 2400 on the 18th September, and conclude the same day in Judge Dredd Megazine 472. Make sure to grab both halves of the story, Earthlets!


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