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Showing posts from June, 2024

Comic Book Preview - Space Ghost #3

Space Ghost #3 is heading to comic book shelves next week and we have a preview on what to expect right here…  Written by David Pepose ( The Punisher, Savage Avengers ), with art by Jonathan Lau ( Agent 47, 007, Green Arrow ), Space Ghost #3 continues the reinvention of Alex Toth ’s classic sci-fi superhero.  ‘SPACE GHOST #3 introduces the second iconic member of the Council of Doom! Weeks after the fall of Space Colony Omicron, Space Ghost has battled evildoers across the galaxy alongside his brand-new sidekicks Jan, Jace, and Blip — but when the mysterious crime boss known as the Widow offers to help stage a daring heist on Robo Corp, will this fledgling team of superheroes find a powerful new ally... or will they find themselves the latest victims of the Widow's tangled web?’ Space Ghost #3 is set to launch next Wednesday, July 3rd .

Comic Book Preview - Traveller: Far Trade #3

Fresh from the release of Traveller: Riftbreaker #1, Markosia has announced that the latest instalment in their Far Trader series, Traveller: Far Trader #3, is now available for pre-order, and we’ve got a preview for you below… ‘Aramis Subsector on the Imperial Frontier. Aramanx was intended to be a luddite paradise, a pastoral world where the pressure and conflict of life in the Imperium could be forgotten. But things haven’t worked out that way. The balkanised world has become a war zone where its numerous nations are ratcheting up tension with one another. It is a powder keg waiting to blow. The crew of the Slowhand enter this volatile environment, hoping to repair their ship and make a few deals, but getting out unscathed could be trickier than they think.’ Traveller is the role-playing game of the far future, first published in 1977, now brought to you by Mongoose Publishing. Traveller: Far Trader is a foray into Traveller's celebrated Charted Space setting, where ordinary spa

Comic Book Review - Doctor Who: The Fifteenth Doctor #1

With the curtain closing on Ncuti Gatwa’s first season as the Doctor over on television, the spotlight falls on Titan Comics to give us the Doctor's next adventure… Taking place immediately after the events of the Doctor Who Free Comic Book Day Special , the Doctor and Ruby find themselves in the far future. Tracking Dick Turpin’s rogue cyber tech to the last shopping mall on planet Earth, the duo soon find themselves in the thick of another grand adventure. With things not quite as they seem, and the mystery of the cyber tech still unsolved, what secrets does the mall hold? And more importantly, what’s awaiting them in the dark?  Straight out of the TARDIS and Doctor Who: The Fifteenth Doctor #1 captures the energetic performances of Ncuti Gatwa and Mollie Gibson extremely well. Each interaction that the duo has is a superb recreation of the energy shared between the two actors, and it instantly draws you into this adventure. What starts as two friends exploring a huge mall soon

Comic Book Preview - Biker Mice From Mars #1

Oni-Press has given us a first look at what to expect when Biker Mice From Mars #1 arrives on comic book shelves this July… “Best friends Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie were just three anthropomorphic, motorcycle-riding mice who called Mars home . . . and were always bad to the bone. But when the ruthless Plutarkian races stage a mass invasion to strip their planet of its precious resources, their antiauthoritarian streak is going to turn into a full-blown insurgency. Only the Biker Mice from Mars can prevent the mass destruction of Earth’s nearest neighbor . . . and the freedom of our entire solar system may just hang in the balance.” Biker Mice From Mars #1 is scheduled to hit comic book shelves on 17th July. 

2000 AD and Judge Dredd Megazine come together for “Nordland Rising”

The Nort Army cross reality and invade the 2000 AD Miltiverse… The folks over at 2000 AD have given us a sneak peek preview of what’s coming this summer. And it’s going to be a night blockbuster.  Check out the press release below and let us know on our social media channels on what you think. This September, the Nort Army are setting out to conquer the 2000 AD Multiverse - and it's going to take some unlikely allies to stop them! The massive crossover event story Nordland Rising will see Rogue Trooper's oldest enemies invade multiple different storylines from across 2000 AD's history, as they take on Judge Dredd, Bad Company, Fiends of the Eastern Front, The VCs and more. Spread across 2000 AD Prog 2400 and Judge Dredd Megazine 472, this is an all-out action assault - and The Norts aren't taking any prisoners! Featuring stories from Ken Niemand, John McCrea, Peter Milligan, Ian Edginton, Nick Percival, Dan Abnett, Gordon Rennie, Simon Coleby, and more, Nordland Rising

Comic Book Review - Out There

A poignant tale of self discovery in amongst a galaxy unlike our own… When I first started to read Emily & Laurence Alison and David Hitchcock ’s sci-fi tale Out There , I was reminded of Dan Abnett ’s phenomenal sci-fi tale “ The Out ”. Both sci-fi operas feature a strong female lead character who’s taken well and truly out of her comfort zone and thrust into a galaxy that’s packed full of weird and wonderful beings. While “ The Out ” soon took its story down the familiar route of galactic war, Out There takes us on a grand journey that’s full of adventure, mischief, and most importantly heart. The narrative of Out There follows human being Lucy and her grandad, Len. Growing up on Earth life hasn’t been easy for Lucy. Pandemics, global climate change, and government corruption have made Lucy’s world quite a scary place. With a need for control, what’s left of humanity is governed by a group dubbed “the Palindrome” (two architects, a robotics expert, an aerospace engineer, an

Comic Book Review - Dick Tracy #2

Tensions begin to rise as Dick Tracy’s investigation continues…  Mad Cave Studios along with co-writers Alex Segura , and Michael Moreci are onto something quite big with the reinvention of Dick Tracy. Through a single issue, the creative team have already laid the groundwork for a hard-hitting and mature narrative that isn’t going to take any prisoners. Throw in Geraldo Borges who brings this script to life with a visceral intensity and Dick Tracy is one comic that’s not to be missed.  And that was just the opening issue!  Dick Tracy #2 continues the same trend that starts in the opening issue. Throwing the hard-boiled detective straight into his next case, Segura and Moreci use this issue to further establish the movers and shakers of this world as a new war looms on the horizon. It’s a war that’s already caused a lot of bloodshed, and come to this issue's conclusion it’s about to get a lot worse.  Much like issue #1, there’s not a great deal of the story that I can talk abo

Comic Book Review - Scarlett #1

The Energon Universe expands with a bang as Scarlett O’Hara enters the fray…  Skybound has had quite a lot of success with its relaunch of G.I. Joe . Introducing the Joe universe into their wider Hasbro led “ Energon Universe ” has been both refreshing and extremely interesting. With Duke and Cobra Commando already establishing their own corners of their shared universe, Skybound now turns their attention to fellow G.I. Joe alumni, Shana “Scarlett” O’Hara.  Taking on the task of introducing Scarlett to this shared world is writer Kelly Thompson and artist Marco Ferrari , who waste no time in establishing the character’s unique personality as a super spy. Opening up to the spy infiltrating an arms deal within the backdrop of Monaco, Thompson soon throws Scarlett into very deep water. As her mission gets underway there’s the added complexity of a hostage situation which forces Scarlett to get directly involved. There’s yet another twist in the tale as for added complexity a ghost from

Comic Book Review - Get Fury #2

Frank Castle heads behind enemy lines as Nick Fury faces a desperate challenge…  Garth Ennis has returned to Marvel’s Max Comic line with an extremely gritty tale featuring two of the comic's most infamous characters. Set during the Vietnam War, Ennis pits Nick Fury against the future Punisher, Frank Castle. While this more adult take on the Marvel universe fills its narrative with a very mature story - and even more colourful language - is it any good?  Well, the answer is, yes it is…  Get Fury #1 spent a great deal of its page count dealing with what Castle and Fury are up to in Vietnam. On one side we see Nick Fury during his brutal capture by the Viet Cong, on the other Frank Castle gets roped into a deniable op by the CIA. For this second issue, it’s the former that Ennis spends time with as we learn more of the CIA’s involvement and the general who’s sent Castle far behind enemy lines. There are a lot of revelations here that not only heighten the tension to the inevitable

Comic Book Review - Crocodile Black #1

A strong start to this new series from BOOM! Studios… Crocodile Black tells the story of Danny, a youngster who’s struggling with his own mental health in a world that’s currently in the tight grip of the COVID 19 pandemic. A chance encounter during a routine delivery job then sees Danny’s world forever change as he becomes the titular Crocodile Black. Now a murderous and quite effective killer, Danny takes his fight to the criminal underworld clad in a pair of black crocodile skin boots. It’s not every day that a comic is grounded so far within the real world. Here Phillip Kennedy Johnson wastes no time in taking us back to 2021 when the world was still in the throws of COVID 19. From mentions of empty fast food restaurants, to having to wear a mask during a trip to the grocery store, the world of Crocodile Black is very much part of our own. It’s this framework that also makes lead character Danny quite relatable too as we see him attempting to keep some sense of normality in a wo