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Comic Book Review - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107

Who watches the Power Rangers?

It’s not often that I turn the final page of a comic book and utter “holy sh**, but with MMPR #107 I did exactly that. Over the past seven issues new Power Rangers scribe Melissa Flores has reintroduced Rita Repulsa, and in doing so has given the fan favorite quite an upgrade. Now going as Mistress Vile, we’ve seen the resurgent Rita plough through everyone that’s stood in her way. The likes of Lord Zedd, and even her own father - Master Vile have fallen before her. When it comes to the Power Rangers, to say that they’ve fared better is a very big understatement. Not only has Matt - the current Green Ranger - been taken hostage by Mistress Vile, the returning Alpha-1 has made life tough for the Omega Rangers too. 

With the ramifications of their past threatening to crash around them, how are the Power Rangers, Omega Rangers, Zordon - and even Grace Sterling going to get out of this one? 

Before I dive into this review I’m going to attempt to avoid the major plot points. What I will say is that MMPR #107 could quite possibly top anyone’s list of must-read MMPR comics - it’s that good! 

So with that said, shall we?

After the monumental cliffhanger that concluded issue #106, Promethea finds itself under attack by a rejuvenated Lord Zedd. Now in possession of his own morpher, Zedd is back in the game. Seeing Grace Sterling and Promethea as a bothersome fly, Zedd demands the bigger fish - Mistress Vile. The action soon shifts to Safehaven as we catch up with the Omega Rangers. After failing to defeat the combined forces of the Omega Rangers and the Earth team, Alpha-1 finds himself in the hands of XI. Determined to find out exactly what Mistress Vile is up to XI attempts to interrogate the murderous machine. 

Theres a nice to-and-fro as XI and Alpha-1 play their mind games against each other. As XI tries to reason with Alpha’s “good side”, it gives the former servant a chance to talk about robot liberties, and his own personal experience being under Zordon and Mistress Vile’s servitude. We then get another poignant moment between Trini and Zack as they discuss the meaning of being the Red Ranger and the responsibility that comes with it. It’s been great seeing the long time cast members get close over the last few issues. From what started as a somewhat forced relationship due to caring for Journey, has brought the two together in a way that makes them incredibly relatable. Wether we’ll see the long time friends become something more is left to be seen - and Trini does remind Zack about her past experience with Jason. 

Speaking of Jason. After losing his connection to the Morphin Grid, Jason has been somewhat absent from the Recharged Era. Thankfully that all changed last issue as Tommy met up with his former rival for a bit of a pep talk and some much needed advice. This somewhat advisory role for Jason continues here as he and Tommy spar in the juice bar. Much like Trini and Zack, while this scene is pretty short, it does a good job in humanising the character. Not only does Jason complete understand what Tommy is going through, it’s been interesting to see the White Ranger tackle the mantle of leadership, and his own issues with Kimberly. 

It’s from here where things really pick up the pace. Back on Safehaven, Alpha reveals exactly why he attacked the Omega Rangers, and in doing so we see Mistress Vile begin her assault on Promethea…

To say anymore really goes into to spoiler territory. However come the issues conclusion, you’ll be itching to read issue #108! 

Oh boy! There’s certainly a lot to unpack within this issue, and Melissa Flores has played a blinder yet again! If anyone had doubts about what direction MMPR would go in after Ryan Parrotts departure, they’ve well and truly been squashed. Flores brings her story to the page with a great understanding of what makes these characters special to so many. She understands both their individual strengths and weaknesses which really helps or humanise them. Even Lord Zedd has started to show hints of Zophram as he’s coming to terms with his own foibles - which is something I thought I’d never say. 

Overall, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers continues to escalate its pressure onto both Ranger teams. As Mistress Vile’s ultimate plan starts to show itself, it’s hard to see anyone coming out of it unscathed. With its creative team continuing to work together in perfect synergy, not only does Mighty Morphin Power Rangers remains a solid pager turner - it’s an attractive one too! 

Rating 10/10

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Rob Lake - For more comic book and video game chat why not follow us on Twitter and Facebook @GeekCultureRev, and TikTok @Geekculturereviews. 


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