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Showing posts from July, 2024

Video Game Review - Capes

Who do you turn to when the villains have won? Capes is a superhero turn-based strategy game and the debut title of Australian developer Spitfire Interactive . Taking inspiration from a wealth of 80s and 90s comic books, Capes throws players into the murky streets of King City. With bad guys to beat and a wealth of memorable supes to command, King City is a comic book reader's fever dream. Capes takes place within a world where the good guys lost. Ever since a shadowy group called The Company took control of King City “capes” have been outlawed. Anyone who displays a form of superpower or ability is deemed a vigilante and is at mercy to the full force of The Company’s power. The ordinary citizens who call King City their home are also under the spell of propaganda set by The Company that leads them to the belief that all superheroes are bad. Naturally, those who rule The Company just so happen to be a cadaver of supervillains who are quite literally ruling with an iron fist.  As

Comic Book Preview - Blade Runner: Tokyo Nexus #1

Titan Comics have given us a preview of what to expect when Blade Runner: Tokyo Nexus comes to comic book stands in July….  Written by Kianna Shore and Mellow Brown, along side artist, Mariano Taibo, Tokyo Nexus  is set to further expand Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner  world.  Tokyo 2015: Two Kalanthia survivors fight for their lives in a world where Blade Runners are the least of their problems.  Following a failed mission Off-World, the only two survivors of a combat squad, ex-marine Mead and Replicant combat model Stix, have returned to Tokyo to search for the traitor who left them to die. Now operating as an unofficial private detective agency, Stix and Mead find themselves caught up in a deadly Patent War between the Yakuza, the Tyrell Corporation and Cheshire, a rival corporation developing their own bootleg Replicant technology as they search for a missing woman. Blade Runner: Tokyo Nexus #1 is set to launch on 31st July, 2024.